Diocesan Jubilee 2022-2023
The diocese of San Miniato, established on the 5th of December 1622 with a bull from Pope Gregory XV, has reached a significant stage in its history: the 400th year since its erection. For this reason, this particular Church of ours obtained from the Holy Father the grace to experience an extraordinary jubilee year, from 4th of December 2022, the II Sunday of Advent, to Friday 8th of December 2023, solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Holy Virgin Mary.
THE CATHEDRAL, sign of Bishop's magisterium, will be the main place for the jubilee in this year of grace. The pilgrimage to the Cathedral, figure of the journey of earthly existence, becomes an occasion to express the sincere desire for full conversion of heart, a goal to be reached with commitment and perseverance, letting ourselves be embraced by the Father's mercy and thus, in turn, be sign of God's love for brothers.
OTHER JUBILEE PLACES - In this diocesan Holy Year, in addition to the Cathedral, the following will also be jubilee venues:
- the archaeological site of Vico Wallari which houses the remains of the ancient parish church dedicated to the holy martyr Genesio, on the occasion of the Eucharistic celebration in his honor on 25th of August 2023;
- the Sanctuary of the Most Holy Crucifix in San Miniato, on 29th of October 2023, in the occasion of the annual Thanksgiving feast when the miraculous image, which is kept here, is exposed for the veneration of the faithful.
THE JUBILEE INDULGENCE - By making a pilgrimage to the Cathedral, or to other Jubilee places on the established dates, one can obtain a plenary indulgence, i.e. the remission of all the temporal penalty of sins, already remitted as far as guilt is concerned in the Sacrament of Confession. The indulgence can also be obtained for souls in Purgatory.
It is important that the pilgrimage is combined first of all with the sacrament of Reconciliation (which can be celebrated at a convenient time before or after) and with Holy Communion (possibly on the day of the pilgrimage).
It is also required that the faithful take part, devoutly, in the jubilee rites or devote themselves, for an adequate time, to praying for the fidelity of the Diocese to the Christian vocation, concluding with the Our Father, the Creed, a prayer according to the intentions of the Holy Father and with the invocations to Mary Most Holy to blessed Pio Alberto del Corona and to the patron saints martyrs Genesio and Miniato.
The sick and the elderly and lonely, unable to make the pilgrimage to the Cathedral, will also obtain the Jubilee indulgence, provided that they live sickness and suffering with faith and joyful hope as an experience of closeness to the Lord, confess, receive Holy Communion and participate in Holy Mass, also through the means of communication, and recite the Creed, the Our Father and a prayer according to the intentions of the Holy Father.
Main events during the year of the Jubilee 2022-2023
- Wed 23/11/2022 Jubilee Initiatives Press Conference (Curia at 11)
- Sun 04/12/2022 Eucharistic celebration of the beginning of the Jubilee Year (5.00 pm Cathedral)
- Mon 05/12/2022 400th Anniversary of the erection as Diocese
- Sat 10/12/2022 Concert for the beginning of the Diocesan Jubilee Year (at 9.15 pm church of San Domenico)
- Sun 08/01/2023 Delivery of the Holy Father's Message for the World Day of Peace to local Administrators and Jubilee of Politicians and Administrators (4 pm, Episcopal Curia)
- Sun 22/01/2023 Jubilee of Readers (5 pm Cathedral)
- Sat 04/02/2023 Diocesan Celebration of the Day of Consecrated Life and Jubilation of Men and Women Religious (6.00 pm Cathedral)
- Sat 11/02/2023 Presentation of the Jubilee Crucifix gift of Prof. Luca Macchi
- Sat 11/02/2023 Jubilee of the Sick (San Romano)
- Sun 26/02/2023 Entrance of the Bishop Mons. Giovanni Paccosi to San Miniato
- Sun 05/03/2023 Lent II Vicariate (5 pm Ponsacco)
- Sun 12/03/2023 Lent III Vicariate (5 pm Ponticelli)
- Sun 19/03/2023 Lent IV Vicariate (5.00 pm Fucecchio Le Vedute)
- Sun 26/03/2023 Lent I Vicariate Cathedral (5 pm)
- Sat 22/04/2023 21-25 April: Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes
- Sat 13/05/2023 Dedication of the Cathedral and Jubilee of the Choristers (9.30 pm Cathedral)
- Sun 14/05/2023 Jubilee charities and voluntary associations
- Sat 20/5/2023 Jubilee of Catholic Doctors
- Sat 27/05/2023 Vigil of Pentecost and Jubilee of Lay Aggregations (9.30 pm Cathedral)
- Sat 03/06/2023 Inauguration of the exhibition «The bishops in the 400 years of the diocese» (3/6 - 2/7)
- Mon 19/6 - Tue 20/6 - Two Days of priests' meeting and Jubilee of the Clergy
- Fri 25/08/2023 Solemnity of San Genesio martyr, patron saint of the Diocese Holy Mass in the locality of Vico Wallary (9.30 pm)
- Sun 10/09/2023 Jubilee of Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (15.30 pm Cathedral)
- Tue 19/09/2023 Presentation of the publications by on Pio Alberto Del Corona and on "San Miniato 1622: birth of a diocese"
- Sat 23/09/2023 51st Catechetical Conference and Jubilee of Catechists
- Sun 24/09/2023 Jubilee Pilgrimage of the Vicariates (16-19 Cathedral)
- Sat 14/10/2023 Jubilee of children, Ministrants and Families (at 18.00 Cathedral)
- Sun 15/10/2023 Youth Jubilee (16-19 Cathedral)
- Sun 29/10/2023 Feast of the SS. Crucifix in S.Miniato (Sanctuary Indulgence Place)
- Tue 05/12/2023 401st Anniversary of the erection of the Diocese
- Fri 08/12/2023 Closing of the Diocesan Jubilee (5.00 pm in the Cathedral)
The Diocese of San Miniato: pills of history
On the 5th of December 1622, with a bull from Pope Gregory XV, the Diocese of San Miniato was established. At the same time, the collegiate church of Santa Maria Assunta and San Genesio martyr became its cathedral church.
The Diocese of San Miniato was born thanks to the tenacity of Maria Maddalena of Austria, widow of Cosimo II de' Medici who, together with cav. Francesco Niccolini, ambassador to the Holy See, weaved a difficult negotiation between the Grand Duchy and the papal court. A knot to be solved were the borders of the Diocese, as the bishop of Lucca Mons. Guidiccioni was sorry to lose the parishes of the Valdarno. The new diocese of San Miniato, entirely extracted from the diocese of Lucca, was made up of about ninety churches and about twenty nunneries and convents of friars and was entrusted to Can. Mons. Andrea Bonaparte, who was its Apostolic Administrator until May 1624, when Mons. Francesco Nori was ordained bishop and took possession of the San Miniato See. Many illustrious bishops have governed our diocese. Among all we remember the blessed Mons. Pio Alberto Del Corona, raised to the honors of the altars on 19 September 2015 in San Miniato. Today our Diocese is led by Mons. Andrea Migliavacca, 25th Bishop of San Miniato and now Apostolic Administrator.
It extends for 691 sq km and has about 180 thousand souls. It is made up of 91 parishes, divided into 4 vicariates. 82 priests carry out their ministry - 18 of whom belong to religious orders - and 11 permanent deacons, assisted by 77 religious sisters. The activity of the laity plays an important role, which enlivens and enriches the Church of San Miniato, also through over twenty movements and aggregations engaged in different and varied fields.
Hymn of the Diocesan Jubilee
5 December 2021 - Exactly one year before the beginning of the Diocesan Jubilee, in the Cathedral, at the end of the presentation of the new Diocesan Songbook, the Jubilee Hymn was presented and performed for the 400th anniversary of the Diocese, "For Christ, with Christ and in Christ”, composed by M° Carlo Fermalvento on the text of don Salvatore Savaglia.
At the following links it is possible to download the text and all the scores, for organist and choir, of the Jubilee Hymn:
» Hymn of the Diocesan Jubilee
You can hear the Hymn execution in the video below.
The logo for the Jubilee
The logo for the Jubilee of the diocese painted by Luca Macchi: a regal Christ with the symbols of the Eucharist, of the bishop's authority and the unmistakable profile of our Cathedral. «When a painter, a believing painter, faces the figure of Jesus - confides Luca Macchi - then particular chords are struck. You would like to make the look of him regal and at the same time simple and understandable. I tried to express the joy of the event also through the vivacity of the colours. The red for Christ's royal robe, the blue of the sky, the yellow of the haloed sun. The primary colors through which all the others are made»
The appointment with the four centuries of life of our diocese is an appointment that we all awaited with joy. We thought about it, saw it slowly approaching and today we are at its doors. I never thought I'd be able to receive an invitation from Monsignor Andrea Migliavacca to create the logo-image that will distinguish this Jubilee. For this reason, the first thing I wish to do is to thank His Excellency for this invitation to which I hope I have lived up to. Yes, because just as I had great joy in receiving the invitation, I also felt the great responsibility.
The responsibility of succeeding in elaborating a representative image for this Jubilee of the diocese. Because the four hundred years of life of the diocese of San Miniato are as many years of great events, great changes and enrichment for the entire diocesan territory. We cannot fail to consider that the establishment of the diocese meant a new strength throughout the territory. Not only a capillary organization of the territory through the parishes but also the birth of new Confraternities, Academies, Banks. In the aftermath of the birth of the diocese, new buildings were needed such as, for example, the building of the Episcopal Seminary or the Sanctuary of the Holy Crucifix, which modified and enriched the urban and scenographic aspect of our San Miniato.
Naturally similar examples can also be given for the other cities of the diocese. Celebrating four centuries of life today means celebrating the many choices, the many paths taken and the many events that have accompanied and changed us. To adequately respond to Bishop Andrea's invitation, I presented three paintings of the size of cm. 100x70. Of these three paintings, the one that best suited the purpose was chosen. The chosen painting presents the figure of Jesus Christ with a red robe, a symbol of royalty and power and stands out against the ultramarine blue sky. Azure blue is the color related to the divine and celestial aspect of Christ. So Christ in royal robes stands out against the blue sky and has the Sun as his halo. The figure of Jesus comes to meet the faithful carrying the bread and wine, symbols of the Eucharist, together with the mitre and crozier, symbols of the episcopal authority. Occupying the center of the composition, between the miter and the crozier, is the façade of the ancient parish church of Santa Maria Assunta e Genesio martire which, precisely thanks to the elevation of San Miniato to the episcopal seat, assumed the title of Cathedral: the mother church of the diocese. At the base of the image are the inscription «Per Cristo, con Cristo e in Cristo» and the dates 1622 and 2022. It was natural that Jesus was the protagonist of the composition. When a painter, a believing painter, faces the figure of Jesus, then particular chords are struck. You would like to make the look of him regal and at the same time simple and understandable. I tried to express the joy of the event also through the vivacity of the colours. The red for Christ's royal robe, the blue of the sky, the yellow of the haloed sun. The primary colors through which all others are made.
Visiting the Cathedral
See also …
- Diocesan Jubilee 2022-2023
- Decreti Penitenzieria Apostolica
- La Lettera di Papa Francesco
- Messa di Apertura Anno Giubilare
- Indulgenza Giubilare
- Il logo del Giubileo
- Inno del Giubileo Diocesano
- Preghiera del Giubileo
- I Vescovi di San Miniato
- Pillole di storia sulla Diocesi
- Configurazione della Diocesi